079 5021 3796 / 078 4679 6301
What we do

Coffee Mornings 
Our coffee mornings are very popular and open to all women and their children from any faith, background or culture. They happen every Wednesday in term time only at St James Community Centre, 144 St James Road, Northampton, NN5 5LQ between 11am - 1.00pm.
Adult Learning Classes
Free classes are provided by Neighbourhood Learning in conjunction with Adult Learning Services, North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council. Classes for each term are advertised on Pearls of Peace Facebook page and Whatsapp Noticeboard. Please contact Pearls of Peace for more information.
Community and Emotional Support/Counselling 
Our volunteers provide support for ladies in challenging situations. We support school applications, basic counselling, general enquiries and signpost to other organisations. Pearls of Peace provides basic emotional and counselling support and signposts those who need professional help to qualified counsellors. We provide mentoring support which helps our ladies enhance their confidence and self-esteem as they prepare for the world of work. 
Hate Crime Reporting 
We provide support for those who have been affected by hate crime. We liaise with the Police and help with form filling and can signpost victims to relevant agencies.
At our weekly coffee mornings, we provide a platform for a variety of training opportunities and workshops for our ladies to learn from experts. We invite speakers to enlighten us on topics that our attendees are interested in; we encourage local entrepreneurs to come in and showcase their businesses and we have regular discussions on topical issues affecting the women of Northampton. 
Please contact us if you have a skill or products you want to showcase.  
Day Trips 
We at Pearls of Peace understand that families need a break from daily life and the importance of being able to relax. We organise annual days out to venues chosen by out attendees and these outings are open to the whole community.
Weight Management 
We run a weekly session where we provide our ladies with support to achieve their desired weight.