079 5021 3796 / 078 4679 6301

Pearls of Peace receives funding from many different organisations. We are a community group that is totally run by volunteers and it is essential that we apply to many organisations for funding in order to remain sustainable.
Aysha, our fundraiser, works hard to organise fundraising events. She is up to date with finding out about available funding opportunities and completes application forms so that we can secure grants.
Community Fund-raising
We have a diverse community of women who use the services of Pearls of Peace and this gives us a deeper insight into the struggles and turmoil that people are going through in the UK and across the world.
Pearls of Peace has raised funds for Somalia, Pakistan, Syria and supported many families who find themselves in challenging circumstances.
Current Funding
Hate Crime
We are a hub for reporting hate crime. We received some funding in 2019/2020 to support us in fulfilling this role and we were also tasked with hosting an event to raise awareness in the community. We have not been able to host this event due to the current pandemic.
Northamptonshire Sports provided funding in October 2020 to pay for sixteen women to have free karate sessions for 24 weeks. The ladies also received free karate suits in order to minimise their expenses and encourage them to participate. This opportunity has given women the chance to get fit, learn a martial art, gain confidence and improve their self-esteem.
The pandemic has been hard financially for everyone but as a community group we have really suffered because we have not received regular donations and funding from our usual sources has been scarce.
We really need your support at this time more than ever. Our service users have been lonely and isolated and we have to now work hard to give them back those friendships, opportunities and support that they have missed.
We need you to donate regularly to help us to continue to do the work.
Pearls of Peace is transparent and our financial accounts are available at our annual general meeting.
If you would like to make a donation to support our work either through a one off donation or regular standing order, please click on the donate tab for our bank details; alternatively, you can pop in on a Wednesday during our coffee morning to make a cash donation.
Thank you for your continued support!