079 5021 3796 / 078 4679 6301


We are a family run Shotokan Karate club based in Northampton, the club is affiliated to the JKA-(Japanese Karate Club). This is the top association in the UK and the most traditional to the Japanese way of learing this style of karate. We have clubs in Kingsthorp, Brixworth and Milton Keynes Classes : Northgate School and Art College, Kingsthorpe, NN2 6LT Monday: 6-7pm -(Kids Class age 4 and up) Monday: 7-8.30 pm - (Adults and older children) Tuesday: 6.30 pm-( Ladies Only) Thursday: 6-7pm -(Kids Class age 4 and up) Thursday: 7-8.30 pm - (Adults and older children) Friday: 6-8pm (Ladies Only) Milton Keynes, Willen Pavillion Saturday: 10am-11am, Brixworth Village Hall Saturday: 11am-12.30pm, Brixworth Village Hall   If you would like to have a trial class, please book with Sensei Aysha on 07796172612 or Sensei David on 07717576859. Pay as you go is £6 per class, family price plans are avialble

Contact Details:

30 Crawford Avenue,,Northampton,NN5 5PA.